Saturday, 22 June 2019

Drowning in the Subjective and why it matters

"The divorce between truth and reality is nearly complete now that everybody has his/her/zhe’s own truth, and the facts are just ornaments" {Howard Kunstler, Russia Insider}
It's a good observation, and at the core and root of all this going badly wrong with the Empire and it's boot licking vassals.
What Kunstler is describing, is the swamp of subjectivity soaking the AngloEuro Empire culture, with jsut about no objectivity to balance it. As Kunstler said, the statement  "everybody has his ..(own).. is another way of explaining  rampant subjectivism: and "facts", and the acceptance of their position as the final arbiter of any action choice, and understanding, is objectivism
And no, Ms. Rand of dubious fame didn't get it right with her choice of name for her philosophy. To believe that your own Ego, your own wants and desires trump all else is NOT being objective, but so rampantly subjective that is become mere Egotism.
This is what we have now - an entire mass of people drowning in a swamp of subjectivity,.
If I want to believe that although born with male body and genotype I wish I had been a girl, I want to be a girl in fact I insist you call me a girl, and if you dont I will have you punished, is to be completely over-run by one's one rampant subjective ego, to the point of clearly deciding that the provable, objective facts of biology are, as the writer says "mere ornament" and count for nothing. 
Thus we have one school teacher in UK telling her class that indeed, yes boys pretending they are girls do menstruate [I kid you not], another teacher throwing a student out of a class for daring to insist that there are only two genders.
This subjectivism has permeated the entire mob of people [ I dont call them a civilisation because in my option they are not civilised. There are basic requirements to considered civilised, which the Anglo Empire people do not have. They are just a mob of savages, in fact, with a good technology. But technology and architecture do not make one civilised. ]. 
The craziness has not only infected the Arts and humanities, but those two supposed bastians of Objectivity, Science and the Law. 
The geologist Dr. Robert Schoch had to tell John Anthony West to stay well away from him with his request to see if the Sphinx could be re-dated, until he got tenure. If he had not that, he would have been fired and destroyed, for daring to produce objective scientific facts which destroyed the accepted and loved narrative. And one only has to consider the way Julien Assange has been treated, and T. May reacted to the Skripal Affair, to see how entirely free of any regard for objectivism the law in the UK has become. 
So this writer is perfectly correct. All is subjective; objective data, otherwise known as truth, is for the birds, and has been discard in the trash can, along with those aspects of civilisation, such as honour, decency, respect for the Rule of Law, consideration for others, and self discipline to put ones own subjective wishes aside where objective facts dictate one must. 
Nothing but a massive crash at the bottom of big big cliff is waiting for the results of doing this.

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